
Featured Couple: Niki and Mathew!

Featured Couple: Niki and Mathew!

Featured Couple: Niki and Mathew!

We are very excited to have a geologist, someone who understands the intricacies and fundamentals of minerals, purchase and admire our ethical jewelry, and we are delighted to share her love story with you all. Niki and Mathew met in English 101 while in college, and have been together for 18 adventurous years. Their very first conversation was about their favorite literary characters and they now have two kids named after those characters! To celebrate their anniversary this year, the two are going to go parasailing. They have a tradition of doing something adventurous every year so they can experience new and exciting things together.

Mathew was the first to notify Niki about Lab Grown Diamonds, “Being a geologist, he knew I’d appreciate the environmentally-friendly and conflict-free advantages.” She says she would have wanted one when they first got engaged, but it wasn’t possible to purchase them at that time. It wasn’t until years after their wedding that Lab Grown Diamonds became commercially available. When Niki’s rings were recently stolen and the couple were in the market for a gorgeous replacement, she knew a Lab Grown Diamond was what she wanted.

diamond ring held in hands

She immediately went to Google in search of a Lab Grown Diamond Wedding Set. “A quick web search showed me that MiaDonna is clearly the best lab diamond company: gorgeous stones with precision cuts and ethical practices that give back to communities impacted by conflict diamonds.” After researching the company and learning that we give back to people affected by the diamond mining industry, she felt she landed in the right spot, “I tell any of my fellow PhD-level colleagues who will listen about MiaDonna because I believe in MiaDonna’s mission wholeheartedly.”

Niki chose the delicate but secure Blonde Solitaire engagement ring with a brilliant cushion-cut Lab Grown Diamond. For the wedding band, Niki went with the lush and elegant Venise wedding band which has recycled diamonds. Both rings are set with platinum. “On a daily basis, my wedding set grabs my attention with all its sparkles and absolutely takes my breath away.”

diamond ring resting on wedding photograph

When we asked Niki what she loves about her ring she said,

“I absolutely LOVE the high grade! I never knew how bright and glowing Type IIa grade diamonds were until I had one myself! No wonder they are exclusive and sought after. In nature, such purity is hard to come by. There are loads of elemental impurities in the belly of volcanic systems where Earth diamonds form, but that’s not an issue in a lab. I especially love that I could afford such a high-grade diamond! This wouldn’t be possible on our budget as parents (kids come first!). Thanks to MiaDonna, I have my dream wedding set! I also love my recycled metals and accent diamonds. MiaDonna thoughtfully planned out every detail of their jewelry from start to finish!”

Thank you Niki and Mathew for sharing your story with us! We are thrilled to have a geologist as one of our #miadonnaheroes, and that you have a ring that takes your breath away!


MiaDonna Team

MiaDonna is the world’s first retailer exclusively selling Lab-Grown Diamonds and Gemstones, created in 2005 by a mother determined to free families from a lifetime of poverty and mining. We specialize in designer-style fine jewelry that is beautiful, sustainable, and affordable. We are B-Corp certified, environmentally responsible, and donate 10% of profits to support communities negatively impacted by diamond and gold mining. MiaDonna is headquartered in Portland, Oregon and ships to all 50 states plus more than 30 countries internationally.