
Featured Couple - Meet Lucho and Pri

Featured Couple - Meet Lucho and Pri

Featured Couple - Meet Lucho and Pri

Meet Lucho and Pri, our November featured couple! This sweet couple have been together for 4 years and recently got engaged on a stunning, snowy mountaintop in South America!

November MiaDonna Featured Couple

Before they began dating, the pair lived in the same neighborhood and used to frequent the same restaurant by themselves, just a block away from their separate houses! The two are from Guayaquil, Ecuador in South America where they currently reside. They totally clicked once they started dating, they liked the same music, adventures and traveling around the world (they've already traveled to Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires, El Chalten, El Calafate, Bariloche and Iguazu together!)

The couple planned a trip to Argentina for 21 days, with the proposal taking place in the beginning of their trip with their first big adventure and the most challenging thing they've done, climbing “Sendero al Fitz Roy - Laguna de Los Tres.” The trek to the top takes about 10 hours, and Lucho thought it would be the most unique place to propose to Pri.

The two trekked up the mountain, tired and breathless as they reached the top, but once they finally made it, Lucho said it was absolutely stunning and they were in heaven. "It was magnificent, those mountains make you remember the important things in life and the importance of effort in everything you do," said Lucho.

November MiaDonna Featured Couple

Lucho had been holding onto his MiaDonna ring since July and time was running out before they were about to head back down the mountain, and luckily, he saw another couple on top of the mountain who were able to capture photos of their special moment. Lucho asked the couple to record the proposal as he got down on one knee at the peak of the mountain, proposing to his beloved. He said Pri was so thrilled, she didn't just say "yes", but she said "right away!"

When it came to choosing her engagement ring, Lucho said that the one thing they both have in common, is that they like to decide everything by themselves, not always doing what everyone does. Lucho said, "Pri's Carmen Engagement Ring represents the power we have in our hands to do and be better. It's a great relief and honor for her knowing she is carrying a gorgeous, sustainable diamond with her forever."

November MiaDonna Featured Couple

The couple has not set a wedding date yet, but Pri hopes it will be next year in front of the sea, a place the two hold dearly in their hearts! The MiaDonna team wishes Lucho & Pri nothing but the best for the future, and we are looking forward to seeing their magical wedding photos next year.


MiaDonna Team

MiaDonna is the world’s first retailer exclusively selling Lab-Grown Diamonds and Gemstones, created in 2005 by a mother determined to free families from a lifetime of poverty and mining. We specialize in designer-style fine jewelry that is beautiful, sustainable, and affordable. We are B-Corp certified, environmentally responsible, and donate 10% of profits to support communities negatively impacted by diamond and gold mining. MiaDonna is headquartered in Portland, Oregon and ships to all 50 states plus more than 30 countries internationally.