
7 Romantic & Simple Spring Proposal Ideas

7 Romantic & Simple Spring Proposal Ideas

7 Romantic & Simple Spring Proposal Ideas

Spring is just around the corner and as we awaken from our winter slumber and hear the birds making a fuss outside, it’s the time for our love to blossom to the next level. Are you gearing up to ask the big question this spring? We have a few ideas for a simple and magical spring proposal that will be sure to make the event one that will never be forgotten.

simple spring proposal idea

Blossom Shower


Spring is the perfect time for an outdoor proposal! If you live somewhere that has cherry or jacaranda trees, take advantage! There are cherry blossom festivals around the world and for good reason; they’re incredible! Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, Vancouver, and Copenhagen all hold their famous tree festivals at the end of April.


The plan: First, find the nearest city to you that has cherry trees and research when they are in full bloom. Take your beloved for a stroll under the trees and when the breeze picks up and the blooms shower you both, turn to your partner and change their life forever.


Sunset Boat Ride


Whether you’re near a lake or river, being on a boat with your partner is very romantic as the sun lowers. In Tidal Basin, Washington D.C. a walk under the trees is amazing—but pedal-boating or kayaking amps up the experience to something you’d see in a romantic movie (ahem…The Notebook).


The plan: Research boat or kayak rentals in your area. Check the weather. Paddle away and make sure the ring is in a very secure pocket or bag!

simple spring proposal idea

Hike to an Overlook


This is a great option for outdoorsy types or those wanting to try something new with their partner. Take their breath away twice. The first time with an outstanding view, and the second when they turn to see you down on one knee.


The plan: Research local trails in your area with beautiful views of nature or the city. Choose a trail that is within you and your partner’s fitness levels. After you have chosen your ideal location, ask your partner to join you on a hike. When you make it to the viewpoint, give them a minute to take the beauty in, and then give a speech as magnificent as the view.


Fairytale Forest Surprise


When the trees are starting to bloom and the animals are coming out of their dens to celebrate, the forest can be the perfect setting for a spectacular proposal. There are a few different ways to approach this option. If your partner often takes walks in the woods, you could set up near where they usually walk. Or, if they don’t typically go into the woods for a stroll, suggest going on a walk with them at dusk.


The plan: Buy fairy lights, candles, and lanterns to make a starry romantic setting in the trees. This one is easier if you have a friend willing to help you out and get some of the elements in place before you and your intended arrive.

simple spring proposal idea

Illustrated Book


Perhaps your partner is an artistic soul. For the storytellers out there, a romantic illustrated book of your story together will leave your soulmate in a pool of happy tears. They’ll laugh. They’ll cry. They’ll be yelling ‘Yes!’ before they even get to the last page (where you pop the question).


The plan: Make an illustrated book with your story together. A good resource is Love Book Online. On the website you can personalize the character and setting, building your book from scratch. On the last page ask “Will you marry me?” Read it together at the park or inside your home on a rainy spring day.


Surprise Picnic


Are you and your partner big foodies? Create a surprise picnic in a scenic park with all your partner’s favorite foods. Add champagne, chocolate strawberries, everything for a decadent feast among nature.


The plan: Go grocery shopping for the picnic supplies, find lanterns from your online shop of choice, and ask a friend that can stand by so no squirrels or off-leash dogs eat all the food.

simple spring proposal idea

Chocolate Egg Hunt


Why should kids get all the fun finding hidden chocolate eggs? We, adults, deserve a chocolate egg hunt too. If your partner has a sweet tooth, incorporating chocolate and romance is a sure way to pull on their heartstrings. Get 5 small chocolate eggs and in each one write a memory or a quality you love about your partner. After they’ve found all the eggs, present them with a larger chocolate egg that contains their engagement ring.


The plan: Hide the Easter eggs (somewhere they won't get lost or taken by kids) with notes that explain why you love your partner. Then, present them with a giant chocolate egg with your marriage proposal and ring inside. You can get really creative with this plan and turn it into a treasure hunt.


Let us know how your proposal goes, and if you have any fun spring proposal ideas!


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