
15 Fun Facts About Rubies, July's Birthstone

15 Fun Facts About Rubies, July's Birthstone

15 Fun Facts About Rubies, July's Birthstone

Once believed to have mystic powers, rubies have long been cherished by royals and aristocrats who could afford the hefty price tag. Because rubies are prone to fractures, large stones are extremely rare and can be priced higher than equivalent-sized diamonds. Luckily, MiaDonna’s lab-created rubies are the highest quality, incredibly vibrant, and priced at only 395 dollars per carat.


Elegant Lab Created Ruby Ring Set with Diamond Accenting

Fun Fact About Rubies


1. Rubies are found in shades of red, from rich darkish red to pinkish-red.

2. In addition to being July’s Birthstone, the ruby is also a traditional gift for those celebrating 15th or 40th anniversaries.

3. Almost all natural rubies are treated to improve their color and strengthen them. This is a standard, accepted practice in the jewelry industry.

4. Rubies date back almost 2000 years.

5. The Sanskrit name for ruby is “Ratnaraj,” and translates to “king of the gems.” Today we call them rubies, which comes from the Latin words “rubeus,” “rubens,” or “ruber” which mean red.

6. In gemology, only 4 gemstones are a part of the Precious Gem category. Rubies are one of them and the other three are diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds.

7. Rubies are part of the corundum family. Corundum gemstones are only classified as rubies if they’re red. If they are any other color they are categorized as sapphires.

8. The red in rubies comes from Chromium. Unfortunately, it also causes cracks and fissures, which is why it’s very rare to find rubies larger than 3 carats.


Lab Grown Ruby Ring with Diamond Centerstone


9. Rubies are the hardest stones after diamonds, scoring a 9 on the Mohs scale.

10. The first lab-grown rubies were showcased at the Paris World Fair in 1900 by Auguste Verneuil.

11. Lab-created rubies are used in technology. Theodore H. Maiman created the first functional laser in 1960 using a lab-grown ruby crystal and they are also used in microelectronics.

12. The most desirable shade of ruby is called “pigeon’s blood” and it is a deep red with a hint of blue.

13. A majority of rubies will glow when exposed to sunlight due to UV rays interacting with the Chromium.

14. Rubies, sapphires, and emeralds generate more economic impact than all other gemstones combined.

15. Rubies are associated with intense passion, good luck, protection from misfortune, and personal inspiration.


Shop rubies and other loose gemstones.


Lab Created Ruby Silver Ring Set


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MiaDonna is the world’s first retailer exclusively selling Lab-Grown Diamonds and Gemstones, created in 2005 by a mother determined to free families from a lifetime of poverty and mining. We specialize in designer-style fine jewelry that is beautiful, sustainable, and affordable. We are B-Corp certified, environmentally responsible, and donate 10% of profits to support communities negatively impacted by diamond and gold mining. MiaDonna is headquartered in Portland, Oregon and ships to all 50 states plus more than 30 countries internationally.