
Types of Lab-Grown Diamonds: Complete Guide

Types of Lab-Grown Diamonds: Complete Guide

Types of Lab-Grown Diamonds: Complete Guide

Everything You Need to Know About Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-Grown Diamonds represent a technological breakthrough. After decades of research and development, scientists can now precisely replicate the earth’s natural process of crystallizing carbon into brilliant diamonds that are chemically, optically and physically identical to earth-mined diamonds, according to the Federal Trade Commission, yet they cost up to 40 percent less.

MiaDonna Lab-Grown Diamonds are indistinguishable from earth-mined diamonds, even under a microscope. The difference is that one diamond was grown underground, subsequently mined at great expense to the environment and human life, while the other was grown at surface level in a laboratory with near zero-impact on the environment and, most importantly, at no expense to human life.

Let’s take a closer look at the different types of lab diamonds out there so you can make the right choice for you and your partner.

various lab created diamond shapes and sizes

What is a CVD Diamond?

CVD stands for Chemical Vapor Deposition, and it is the technology used at MiaDonna to create our Lab-Grown Diamonds. This precise process produces larger, colorless diamonds, which is why it is one of the most popular methods of making high-quality diamonds in a lab.

Scientists kickstart the chemical deposition by placing a small piece of carbon (called a seed) in a low-pressure microwave CVD chamber. In this chamber, gasses combine with electrical energy, igniting a plasma ball that rains carbon molecules on the seed. Within 6–12 weeks, a sizable, rough diamond is formed, ready to be cut, polished, and graded by skilled craftsmen. Fun fact: The CVD process is how scientists believe diamonds may be formed in space, within a supernova.

What are HPHT Diamonds?

A HPHT diamond is a Lab-Grown Diamond created using the ‘High-Pressure High Temperature’ method that was one of the first used to create the best Lab-Grown Diamonds in the 1950s. This method replicates the earth’s natural diamond production process that occurred billions of years ago within the earth and was the first technology used here at MiaDonna. We switched to CVD diamonds in 2010 for more consistency in growing colorless Lab-Grown Diamonds over 1 carat.

hpht lab grown diamonds alongside an engagement ring

What is a Type 2a Diamond?

You want a Type 2a Diamond!

Most people only think about the 4c’s when comparing diamonds. However, there are also types of diamonds; Type 1 and Type 2.

Type 1 diamonds are very common and what you will find in most jewelry stores.

Dazzling Type 2a diamonds are the purest, most brilliant diamonds on the planet because they contain the purest form of carbon making them harder and brighter than regular diamonds.

Type 2 diamonds are extremely rare, In fact only 1-2% of diamonds mined from the earth will be of this quality and are priceless and only reserved for museums or royalty. MiaDonna Lab-Grown Diamonds are Type 2a making our Lab-Grown Diamonds more brilliant and affordable than anything else on the market.

high quality lab diamond vs a low quality lab diamond

Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Conflict Free?

At MiaDonna we are an advocate for you, the consumer. We only sell luxury, conflict-free and ethically sourced Lab-Grown Diamonds.

When we pioneered the industry in 2005 we could, with a clear consensus, say “Yes, all diamonds grown in a lab are conflict-free”. However, now the answer is NO! Not all grown diamonds are created equal—and neither are the companies that sell them. Unscrupulous retailers market Lab-Grown Diamonds that could not be classified “conflict free” by anyone’s measure, sourced from manufacturers who inflate profits at the cost of quality and the environment.

Colored Diamonds

Crystal clear diamonds may have traditionally been the favorite for their classic style, but colored diamonds are quickly rising in the ranks. Lab-Grown Diamonds are now available in a variety of colors and have a significant price difference with the equivalent earth-mined counterpart.

  • Diamonds with yellow undertones, including orange and brown, are created due to various amounts of nitrogen;
  • When boron mixes with carbon, blue diamonds are formed;
  • We can thank natural gamma radiation for any green diamonds;
  • Lab-Grown Pink Diamonds are the only color variation not caused by impurities but by increased pressure.
round cut 3ct lab created diamond

Are Lab-Grown Diamonds ‘Simulated Diamonds’?

No, simulated diamonds are simulating the look of a diamond, but are not actually made with pure carbon. Simulants are often natural occurring gems or Lab-Grown Gems that appear to be diamonds when viewed without a microscope. Lab-Grown Diamonds are identical to earth-mined diamonds in every way and are up to 40% less.

Choosing Lab-Grown Diamonds

Did you know that the Earth has stopped producing diamonds? As they were created billions of years ago in a time of constant volcanic eruptions and extreme temperatures, their supply is quickly running out, like all our natural resources. It is estimated that by 2030, there will be no more diamonds left to mine.

The good news? Ethical diamonds grown in labs are the luxury choice for conscious consumers and are available in abundance.


MiaDonna Team

MiaDonna is the world’s first retailer exclusively selling Lab-Grown Diamonds and Gemstones, created in 2005 by a mother determined to free families from a lifetime of poverty and mining. We specialize in designer-style fine jewelry that is beautiful, sustainable, and affordable. We are B-Corp certified, environmentally responsible, and donate 10% of profits to support communities negatively impacted by diamond and gold mining. MiaDonna is headquartered in Portland, Oregon and ships to all 50 states plus more than 30 countries internationally.